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SIGMA Malta 2023: The Ultimate Networking Playground!

Just wanted to share the scoop – our SETAFF team had rocked SIGMA Europe 2023 in Malta from November 13th to 17th, and it was our second big conference. Can’t contain the excitement – it was a solid 100% satisfaction!

SIGMA pulled in a whopping 25,000 participants this year! The conference vibes were off the charts, bringing together everyone from Casinos and Slot Providers to Payment Solutions, Software Gurus, Affiliates, Marketing Whizzes, HR peeps – you name it.

Caught up with our existing partners and buddies and made some fresh connections that look super promising for future collabs. We dived deep into industry chatter, covering the latest trends and news. Conferences like SIGMA are the real deal for us – it’s all about networking and swapping experiences.

Big shoutout to the organizers! Already counting down the days to soaking up the Maltese sun at SIGMA next year πŸ™‚

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